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How to Securing Your WordPress Website

How to Securing Your WordPress Website in 2023

Hey there, WordPress warrior! We all love WordPress for its ease and versatility, but with great power comes great responsibility – and the occasional cyber threat. But fear not! We’ve got five super-easy tips to keep your WordPress site safe and sound. Let’s dive in and explore these how to securing wordpress tips in more depth!

How to Securing Your WordPress Website

1. Keep Your WordPress Updated

How to Securing Your WordPress Website

Updates, updates, updates! WordPress is like your favorite app – it gets better with every update. The cool folks at WordPress are always patching up security holes and boosting performance. So, do your site a favor and hit that update button for your WordPress core, themes, and plugins.

When you see an update notification, it’s basically WordPress saying, “Hey, we’ve found some security issues, and we’ve fixed them!” Ignoring these updates is like leaving your front door wide open. Luckily, updating is as easy as pie from your WordPress dashboard. Just log in, navigate to your dashboard, and you’ll see a notification if updates are available. Click on the update link, and you’re good to go!

But hey, don’t stop at the WordPress core updates. Your themes and plugins also need some love. These components are like the accessories of your WordPress outfit, and they too need regular updates to stay stylish and secure. Outdated themes and plugins are prime targets for hackers looking to exploit vulnerabilities. So, make it a habit to check for updates regularly, or better yet, enable automatic updates for a worry-free experience.

2. Use Strong Passwords

How to Securing Your WordPress Website

“123456” or “password” just won’t cut it anymore. Think of your password like a secret handshake – the more complex, the better. Mix uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols to create a rock-solid password. And for extra security, why not add two-factor authentication (2FA)?

Creating a strong password doesn’t have to be a chore. Use a password manager to generate and store complex passwords for you. This way, you don’t have to remember every single password – just the one to your password manager. Tools like LastPass, Dashlane, or 1Password are excellent choices.

2FA is like having a bouncer for your website. Even if someone cracks your password, they’ll still need access to your phone or another device. This double layer of security is perfect, especially if multiple users have access to your site. Setting up 2FA is straightforward – plugins like Google Authenticator or Authy make the process seamless. With 2FA, even if a hacker gets hold of your password, they’ll still be locked out without the second authentication factor.

3. Install Security Plugins

wordpress plugins 2023

Time to bring in the big guns! WordPress security plugins are like having a security team on call 24/7. These plugins can sniff out malware, keep an eye on suspicious activity, and alert you in real-time if something fishy is going on.

There are tons of great security plugins out there. Some fan favorites include Wordfence, iThemes Security, and Sucuri Security. These plugins are your first line of defense against cyber nasties. Wordfence, for example, offers a comprehensive suite of tools including a firewall, malware scanner, and live traffic monitoring. iThemes Security focuses on identifying and fixing common security vulnerabilities, while Sucuri Security offers malware detection, blacklist monitoring, and post-hack security actions.

Installing a security plugin is a breeze. Just head over to the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard, search for the plugin of your choice, and hit install. Once installed, configure the settings to match your security needs. These plugins often come with detailed guides to help you get the most out of their features.

4. Backup Your Website Regularly

How to Securing Your WordPress Website

Imagine losing all your hard work because of a cyber attack or a server crash. Nightmare, right? That’s why regular backups are your best friend. Use WordPress plugins or third-party services to back up your site and database regularly. That way, if disaster strikes, you can quickly restore everything.

From human error to server hiccups and cyber attacks, there are many reasons your site might go down. Regular backups ensure you’ve always got a lifeline to get your site back up and running. Plugins like UpdraftPlus, BackupBuddy, and VaultPress make backing up your site a walk in the park. They offer features like scheduled backups, cloud storage integration, and easy restoration processes.

But don’t just rely on plugins. It’s wise to have a backup strategy that includes multiple backup locations. Store backups on your local computer, in the cloud (like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Amazon S3), and on external drives. This redundancy ensures that no matter what happens, you’ll have access to your backups.

5. Secure Your Hosting Environment

wordpress page builder plugins

Your hosting provider is like your site’s home base, so choose wisely! Opt for a reputable host that offers secure servers, regular malware scans, and daily backups. And while you’re at it, consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to fend off Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

A good hosting provider takes security seriously. Look for one that offers top-notch security features and support. A CDN helps by spreading your site’s content across multiple servers, making it tougher for hackers to bring your site down. Popular CDNs like Cloudflare and Akamai not only improve your site’s performance but also provide robust security features to protect against DDoS attacks and other threats.

When evaluating hosting providers, consider factors like server uptime, customer support, and the availability of security features. Managed WordPress hosting providers like WP Engine, SiteGround, and Kinsta offer specialized services tailored to WordPress users, including enhanced security measures and expert support.

Those how to securing wordpress. Securing your WordPress site isn’t rocket science, but it does require a bit of TLC. By keeping everything updated, using strong passwords and 2FA, installing security plugins, backing up regularly, and choosing a solid hosting provider, you’ll be well on your way to a safer website. Add in some extra security measures like changing default login URLs, limiting login attempts, disabling file editing, monitoring user activity, and using SSL certificates, and you’ll be a WordPress security superstar.

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How to Securing Your WordPress Website

Dahnoor Noviansyah

Dahnoor Noviansyah

He is a creative & digital enthusiast. Loves reading non-fiction & fiction books, writes to contribute to helping people build an online presence in the digital era.

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